This universe is not a universe of math or science. It’s a universe of beliefs. It’s a universe of wills.
I only have one destiny and I know it’s to be able to go to the darkest cabins of myself & find a lantern of light that I can activate. Because man I’ll tell you, there’s no other place that gets as dark as the one within yourself.
I’m still seeking it, but first I must again go into the darkness. I got near the darkness but doubt & fear got the best of me.
Maybe some people can’t or don’t want to but as for me, maybe I’m unprepared & I’m not ashamed of that.
I know it’s there. I’ve felt it flicker a few times in my privileged & blessed life.
Sooner or later this destiny will come, as it does for us all.
So first I need to get familiar with it then and only then, I can learn to embrace it, accept it, and finally overcome it.
I need to put myself in those positions again.
Because the people who have “it,” they don’t need beacons, lighthouses, buoys, nor flare guns to know where they’re going. It’s because the lantern shines bright within them & guides them safely to their destination.
So these special people who have been to the darkest places & came back holding their lantern not only should be admired but also should be obligated to be a messenger & sharer of the light they found inside of them.
Embrace the darkness and share the light.