Few people will ever feel the suffering & anguish that goes with having generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, agoraphobia, weeks of depersonalization, & depressive episodes. Everyday is a never ending battle & often you find yourself in a very dark, lonely, & dangerous place within.
I just want to say that no matter how crippling it is and can be (trust me i know. I live through them every single day) never quit. Speak out, seek help. Know yourself better and what actions, thoughts, environments, & energies trigger you.
Having these types of disorder/s don’t make you any less of a person. RATHER, let these make you more compassionate, kind, understanding, & patient. Let these cultivate in you an unshakable fighting spirit. Let these anchor you in faith. Let these make you more grateful for each day you are able to conquer.
Every single day, you’ll find a thousand reasons to jump off this spaceship. Never give up. Never abondon yourself. Find that one reason to stay in the fire. There always is. You will be ok.
You are never alone.
Thanks, I kinda needed to hear this today: that things are gonna be okay.
I was diagnosed as bipolar with anxiety disorder for more around 2008. After years of living with this condition (not to mention the hundreds of hours spent on therapy), you’d think you already got everything in control. But that’s far from my reality.
Everyday I find a thousand reasons to jump and abandon ship. But I’m still here. And I guess that’s something to be grateful for. I’m glad that I stumbled upon this blog of yours. (Pure coincidence? Divine intervention?) Thanks for making me feel (even for a brief moment) that I am not alone.
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